
CPD resources 2024

In this post we share a list of our favourite CPD resources that we’ve produced recently — and help support your coaching work in 2024.

Image of a footprint in the sand, symobolising impermanence

In this post we discuss how embracing impermanence can lead to coaches developing greater resilience and peace of mind.

Change paradox image

In this post, we explore how the change paradox could be a helpful concept for executive coaches to help unlock change.

A record player. Image accompanying a post about music in coaching

In this post we look at the use of music in coaching. Can it help develop coaching conversations and improve the coaching relationship?


In this post, we share some some thoughts on how the psychology of imperfection — Wabi-Sabi can enhance our coaching practice.


We dive into 7 ways that drawing and visuals can support coaches in their work.

A person on an online coaching session

In this post, we explore the online disinhibition effect and how it affects the coaching relationship.

Image of plants growing (symbolising International Coaching Week)

We share resources to celebrate International Coaching Week 2023 and support your development as a coach.

Image of a lighthouse accompanying a blog post about leadership and coaching.

We share 10 characteristics of an impactful leader as coach – one who will inspire and guide their team members towards achieving their goals.